Never ending universe. A world of questions. The smoke of my fainting tobacco. The haze of my murmuring thoughts. The ranting of billions of insignificantly purposeful Earthlings. The flame of a dying candle at my table side. The buzzing of cheerful crowds. The rush of the information superhighway. Into my spongy brain. Into my rattling heart. I am the owner of my own discoveries. The creator of my own illusions. Writer of my own fate. Master of my dithering world. Ruler of a rambling blog.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Day# 6 - Week i - 2010

Google + Sites + Checkout

On day 6, Jan 6th 2010, I was a little bit frustrated with the speed at which my project to start a company in Beirut was going. So I decided to forget about my partners for a day and start another (online) business that I had on my mind for a while.

Thus came to exist The 961 Way

All I had to do was buy the domain name from; create a Google Sites account and build a simple and working website; and prepare a Google Checkout account to be used with it later, as soon as I start adding my products.

This is all so funny. You can pretty much get a business up and running in 2 hours. The question is however what is it really that you are selling? I still have no idea what the operations and processes underlying the nice virtual window should look like. But for once, instead of doing things a la Française and getting everything planned out on the drawing board, I decided to do it the American way: trial and error. Just go to market and do it!

Let's see how that works.


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