Never ending universe. A world of questions. The smoke of my fainting tobacco. The haze of my murmuring thoughts. The ranting of billions of insignificantly purposeful Earthlings. The flame of a dying candle at my table side. The buzzing of cheerful crowds. The rush of the information superhighway. Into my spongy brain. Into my rattling heart. I am the owner of my own discoveries. The creator of my own illusions. Writer of my own fate. Master of my dithering world. Ruler of a rambling blog.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day# 12 - Week ii - 2010

Growin' into a ramblin' man

I haven't done anything remarkably new today.

Except for my halloumi and bacon sandwich for dinner.
But I also signed up for a new class (Network Structures of Effective Mgmt). I also worked late on the night of my birthday - counter intuitively to most people. Not to me though. Does that count?

Today I won a mock negotiation in class for a settlement case where I was the plaintiff. I had the defendant pay $3.25M. The highest score for that case ever.

Happy working birthday to me.

This is one serious guy, she said. Such a ramblin' man.


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