Never ending universe. A world of questions. The smoke of my fainting tobacco. The haze of my murmuring thoughts. The ranting of billions of insignificantly purposeful Earthlings. The flame of a dying candle at my table side. The buzzing of cheerful crowds. The rush of the information superhighway. Into my spongy brain. Into my rattling heart. I am the owner of my own discoveries. The creator of my own illusions. Writer of my own fate. Master of my dithering world. Ruler of a rambling blog.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day# 14 - Week ii - 2010

The Only Start-Up Book You Will Ever Need. Hopefully.

Some memories just fade away if you don't seize them. They have such an ability to escape our human hard drives due to their magnificent uselessness.

On the 13th day of January, I actually conducted for ITP interviews for first year students at school. Some way to give others gifts on my birthdate.

Now try to remind me what I did on the 14th and the only thing that comes to mind is a book.

I only remember stopping by the Gleacher bookstore to look for a coursepack (that I didn't find) and ended up buying another book.

"The only start-up book you'll ever need".

Why do we buy such books?

Simple. Because we hope this would be the last book we'd ever need before we go out there and build the company that will make us successful and take us to financial independence.

Of course. This is partially true... no wanna-be entrepreneur wants to start his busines to reach financial independence. I mean, yes, that's on the list. But true entrepreneurs are ambitious, energetic beings with inflated egos and ears that only listen to their own inner voice.

They are unable to work for others because they simply almost always disagree with their superiors and think they have a better or smarter way of doing things. Entrepreneurship is the process by which they naturally break away from the binding chains of a job to pursue a free-er path into the unknown - into a tomorrow that mostly depends on what they have in store for destiny, and for what destiny is willing to give them back in return for that.

Now that, my dear nameless readers, is freedom. You are as free as your ability to make decisions for yourself.


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